Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Holiday Session at the Santa Monica Pier

I didn't want to share these too soon and ruin any holiday card surprises. But, I figure they've arrived by now (fingers crossed).
As you can see the wind was blowing. But it was still sunny and gorgeous. Thankfully, after a series of wet weekends, a number of families were ready for their holiday sessions and have some fun for their photo session. Thanks McDonoughs.
I hope these make you smile. I did.
These next two crack me up every time I see them. Lauren is chasing the bird while little Kellen looks on. There's a five year difference between big sister and little man. I'm told these two images could summarize it all.

Look at those blue eyes.
Lauren was such a treat. I loved hanging with her.
Big sister's support shows through in this one.
Fun fun fun!