My brother and Leah are engaged! I've been wanting to post these for a while. But, I didn't want to spoil any surprises. So now that pictures have been ordered, it's time to show the happy couple. Aren't they cute!
I shot these images near our childhood home in one of the smaller Malibu canyons. As I'm posting them, I realize how attached I am to the scenery and the locations. Makes me all nostalgic. Hopefully you see the beauty as I do.
Since we only had an hour before their engagement party, we decided to stay close to home instead of going down to the beach. And I'm so glad we did.

I had them dancing up a storm. I think they had fun. Can you see it?

So cute!

I don't think the day could've been more gorgeous. Winters in Malibu. Amazing!

The weeds in the foreground softened this image quite a bit. I'm loving the look.
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